Ease Lessons for Writers

33. Michelle (Season 3, Episode 3/3)

Monna McDiarmid Episode 33

Today's episode is my third and final conversation with Michelle, a mom of two and an attorney who prefers storytelling to legalese, as well as an open heart over the analytical mind. She believes that when her heart and mind work as one, that's where the magic happens, and she has been on a lifelong journey to connect them both. She received her first tarot card deck at age thirteen and Reiki certifications at age sixteen. After that she earned certification after certification in Astrology, Spiritual Bathing, Life Coaching and Mindfulness Education amongst many others. Meanwhile, Michelle never believed she was “special enough” to be an author, and instead worked as Senior Associate at the largest employment law firm in the world for over ten years. In February, she left her law career and is finally learning to just be. She plans to self publish her first spiritual novel in 2022 under a pen name.  

Thanks for this conversation, Michelle.

1. Problem party | Form a group with one or two other people in which you talk about your writing in much the way that we did in Rachel‘s hot seats. This is a group of people who will support your writing and for whom you will also be a support. 

2. Medium | Give yourself a publish date for this piece, a date that allows for the writing logistics as well as being prepared for people's comments and judgment.

3. Time blocking | This is where you create a new writing schedule in which you don’t push yourself too hard but you keep moving forward with regularity. You can think of this as a writing promise to yourself. One idea is to have a 2 to 3 hour chunk of writing every week during which a babysitter cares for your children.

Website:  www.violetdeluna.com
Medium: My husband cheated on me 8 years ago, when I was pregnant and after I gave birth



Music: “Meekness” by Kai Engel, used under Creative Commons Attribution license

Editor: Damien Pitter

Host: Monna McDiarmid (pronounced Mona McDermid) | Writer, Coach and Counselor
Website: MonnaMcDiarmid.com
Newsletter: The Sunday Reader
Patreon:  where I share monthly excerpts from my writing memoir in progress
Instagram: @monnamcdiarmid

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